
What our students are saying

Shaolin-Do spoiled me

Since I moved from Texas to California, I have looked around at other martial arts schools and styles. It was something of a shock to see that none of them matched up with your school, be it in the quality of the school, how often the school was open, how friendly the instructor’s were, the material presented, etc. Regrettably these schools did not match up to the standards I had come to expect from my brief time with your school.
Stephen Van Wambeck

Shaolin-Do helps you lose weight!

“I started both the Kung Fu and Tai Chi classes after winning a free 6 month membership at your Open House. Since then, I have been attending classes in both the Kung Fu and Tai Chi programs and have lost an amazing 30 pounds in just 6 weeks of training at your school!”
Paul Mariano

Note from Master Ryan: Paul actually lives in College Station, TX and drives to San Antonio to attend classes each week on a regular basis. It goes to show you that if you WANT something bad enough, you will get it! No matter how far of a drive it is to class.

Shaolin-Do makes drastic changes

My husband, family, and friends have all commented on the changes I’ve experienced. I have lost weight and have kept it off for almost a year now, I enjoy my work and I’m a more confident and over-all happier person. I have been so thankful for the opportunities you and your school have given me! I plan on staying for quite some time.
Becky Miller

Chinese martial arts veteran finds a surprise at Shaolin-Do

I have studied many different arts for over 20 years; Tae Kwon Do, Go-Ju Kai, Tai Chi, Praying Mantis and Kung Fu with a World Champion Wu-Shu master (one of Jet Li’s classmates). I was very impressed with the deep knowledge of Chinese martial arts at Shaolin-Do. I joined and found out that SHAOLIN-DO is one of the best systems I have encountered. It is the perfect blend of traditional forms, practice and fighting application. The material is taught at an exciting pace and presented in a logical progression, making it easy.
Tim Ton

Always wanted to become a Black Belt

“I have always been interested in martial arts. My parent’s enrolled me in a program at a young age but I never followed through. I started again, in a kung fu program when I was in Corpus Christi but my schedule never allowed me to attend classes on a regular basis. When I moved to San Antonio, I decided to look up martial arts again. Originally, I started taking classes at another Chinese style school here in town. The instructor was very gruff and the style did not fit my body. I searched again and found Shaolin-Do. Wow!! The difference was apparent from the way Master Ryan answered the phone! I tried class and signed up that very night. Since then; I have never been as strong as I am now, my memory retention has greatly increased, and my self image has changed. I walk more confident then ever before. Shaolin-Do is great; it helped to achieve the goal I set for myself at age 7 of getting a black belt. Now I’m there and I can’t wait to learn more. Thanks Master Ryan!”
Rick Barrera
3rd Degree Black Belt (Kung Fu) and 1st Degree Black Belt Sash (Tai Chi)

Tai Chi vs Stress

Tai Chi defeats my stress, relaxes the body, opens the mind. It’s the best cure for insomnia. I have noticed that while others battle illness for a week, I am only sick for a day.
David Moring

Found the secret to longevity at Shaolin-Do

As a senior citizen, I need to worry about my health, flexibility, balance and coordination. Tai Chi has helped me in all those areas, I can now walk up a flight of stairs without pain. After a few months practicing Tai Chi, my Doctor couldn’t believe that nearly every measurable parameter was improved.
Jackie Marrow

Enjoying every minute of it!

At age 45, I decided to embark upon a journey toward one of my lifelong goals – Martial Arts. I’d visited many schools throughout my life but was especially impressed with Shaolin Do Kung Fu in general & Master Ryan Howard in particular. When I started, I could not even touch my toes. Heck, I could barely get within 8″ of touching them! I still have a hard time seeing them, but today I can touch them! Life is difficult for all of us, and making it to class consistently is one of my challenges (married, only my income, 3 year old daughter, etc.). But, even at my own pace, I am progressing. Sifu Ryan always has encouraging words for me & they are appreciated beyond what I can express. Coming to class very quickly reached a level of comfort I’d never had with any other physical activity I’d ever attempted. Everyone is very friendly, nobody ever has a bad attitude toward anyone in school, & all the higher ranked students are always happy to assist in tweaking my techniques when I ask. In elementary school, I’d always been afraid to fight, being nearly blind without my glasses. That fear has always played with my psyche. But, after sparring in class, even knowing that my fighting skills will never be as good as my classmates, I no longer fear a fist thrown in my face. There is no “instant black belt” & even earning a black belt is really only the beginning of the journey. Still, I am working my way through that journey, one step at a time, one lesson at a time, & I’m loving every minute of it! Thank you, Shaolin Do!
David Labens

Asthma and back pain is gone!

I came to the Shaolin-Do school with a lot of physical issues. I had been diagnosed with severe asthma and a back sprain that required physical therapy. My blood pressure was good however due to my asthma my pulse rate was high. Having been in the Tai Chi program for over three years and the Kung Fu program for two years, my pulse rate has dropped. In addition, my back and joint pain has gone away and I now have the ability to lift more that 100 pounds. My muscles have become stronger and my joints have become more flexible. When I started Shaolin-Do I was on 4 inhalers (daily doses), ?Singular? tablet (daily doses) and occasionally a steroid to treat my asthma. I also had to go to the hospital for frequent treatments. Since I began training at Shaolin-Do I have not had to go to the hospital and I am now only carrying an emergency inhaler.

I started with the Tai Chi program and to my surprise I became physically stronger and flexible enough to start the Kung Fu program. Shaolin-Do has made a tremendous difference in my life. I am experiencing the physical and mental benefits of Kung Fu and Tai Chi and I am having FUN at the same time!
Linda Boward
2nd Degree Black Sash (Tai Chi) and 1st Degree Black Belt (Kung Fu)

After watching, I knew this was the school for my son

The children’s classes are taught with instructor’s that are kind and patient. They always find ways to motivate and teach children of different abilities and backgrounds. After taking my son to his first lesson and talking to the instructor my wife and I knew that this was the school for our son.
Johnny and Priscilla Alirez


I wanted to thank you for teaching me this art. I had no idea how much learning Kung Fu would change my entire life. I eat better, sleep more and better, and wake-up earlier. I’m more disciplined, I exercise a LOT more than I used to, and I’ve cut-out a lot of activities from my life that were, quite simply, a waste of my time. I’m spending a lot of time at the school and a lot of time practicing, but I’m even still spending more time with my family than I did before Kung Fu. The coolest part is, I did not have to decide to make any of these changes. As the past months have gone by, these changes just felt natural and I wanted to make them. I used to spend hours each day playing video games. In the past three months, I’ve probably spent a total of 4 hours playing video games. I still like them; I just realize that there is so much more to do in life than waste time staring at a screen. So, like I said, thank you for all your time and effort. I’ve had a great time learning, and I know my love of Shaolin-Do will continue to grow as I progress.
Jeremy Watson

Shaolin-Do helps with ADHD

Thank you Master Ryan for the wonderful inspiration. My grandaughter is 7 and has ADHD. I searched for six months for the right school, trying the free classes in each., and I finally found it. Patricia has only been attending for two months but already there is a marked increase in her confidence and agility. She is very proud of what she has achieved. I will certianly recommend your school and plan to put my two younger grandsons in it when they are old enough.
Beverly Gibson

Tai Chi and physical therapy

Again, a sincere thank you for the tremendous experience that your school has brought me and to my colleques as well. Next month I will be presenting in Houston to an “active retiremet society” on exercises for better well-being, and am excited to incorporate my experience in Tai Chi as well, in addition to the wealth of research literature already present in the rehabilitation community on the benefits of such practice. What you are doing is such a tremendous empowerment for the young and aging population both. In my line of work, I continue to point the older adults I work with towards incorporating Tai Chi into their exercise routine as a way of restoring balance and flexibilty. As a therapist, I have encountered numerous studies and classes that teach Tai Chi as a way of preventing falls among the elderly. It works just as well for the aging as it does for the those of all ages. Tai Chi has benefited me physically, mentally and spiritually and I look forward to advancing my skills and continuing to make it a part of my everyday life. Thank you Sifu Ryan and Sifu Abel.
Lisa Massey